Anytime some content is uploaded to a website hosting account or downloaded using it, some website traffic is produced which is a component that each and every hosting package has. It is also one of the features you have to take a look at, since what amount of site traffic quota you'll need is dependent upon the things you need the account for. The traffic is primarily produced by downloads and this includes website visits. Essentially, when someone visits your site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they are afterwards shown by their internet browser. It is also recommendable to be aware that uploads count as well, so any time you duplicate bigger files from your computer system to the server, some website traffic will be generated as well. Different companies can have different names for this specific feature, such as traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but they all apply to the very same thing - the exact amount of incoming & outgoing info created for some period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting
All our website hosting plans are designed with the concept to handle the site traffic made by any type of web site that can function in such an account. If you currently have one or a number of small-scale or medium-sized sites, you won't be limited by the monthly site traffic allowance irrespective of what content you have - plain text or perhaps a great number of images, for example. The stats inside the hosting Control Panel will give you detailed data about the traffic produced by each site plus the total amount for the account in general. The figures are updated in real time and indicate both the day-to-day and the monthly usage, thus you will know how much data is transferred to and from the web hosting account at any moment. The very first day of each month the counter is reset, but you'll still be able to view the website traffic statistics for the past months, that will show you how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
The monthly site traffic feature of our semi-dedicated hosting plans is limitless, or as many companies describe it, unmetered. In fact, we monitor the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each account, yet we won't put a limit, therefore your websites can grow and receive more visitors. We only supply you with comprehensive info what's going on in your account so as to help you handle your websites even better and to be informed on how they perform. You'll be able to see the traffic generated by every single website plus the most frequently downloaded web page or file. The stats are monthly, daily and hourly. In a continually developing online world, you'll be able to have numerous new visitors with just one advertising campaign, therefore by supplying a really unlimited package, we'll guarantee that you do not lose clients due to the fact that your account can't take care of the site traffic.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly site traffic quota you will get with our VPS web hosting plans is sufficient for any type of site and it's proportional to all the rest of the system resources that are included with each and every package. When you use a more powerful server, you'll be able to manage a number of websites or a couple of extremely popular sites, which means that the site visitors allocation for the higher plans is also greater. If you select a low-end VPS plan, you're able to enhance it at any time with a couple of clicks from your billing Control Panel and the supplementary resources will be added to your current account, together with the increased site visitors allowance. Our VPS accounts come preloaded with a server management panel where you will be able to monitor the used and remaining site traffic for the current month in addition to all of the other system resources. In addition, we send announcements once you reach 90% of your limit, so that you will have sufficient time to react and upgrade if necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
Considering how powerful our dedicated web hosting plans are, the data transfer that you'll get each month will be enough for any type of site irrespective of the number of its visitors, even if you provide image or file hosting. You'll receive an allowance of terabytes of site traffic every month and as you will not share the server with others, that quota will be available only for your sites and web applications. We'll notify you as soon as you reach 90% of the allowance so that you will be able to react and either optimize your websites to decrease the traffic they generate, or extend your limit. It's extremely unlikely that you will ever require more than what we'll provide you with, however we won't stop the development of your sites, so we leave the option to include more site traffic open. The dedicated server packages include a control panel where you can see how much traffic has been produced so far for the present month and how much is left until you get to the cap. Considering the fact that these figures include software installations and updates, they are more accurate compared to various hosting Control Panel statistics which include just the website traffic made by websites.